The Dream Highway

The dream highway ran the narrow strip between the surf and the forest, and we drove alongside a ditch with its invasion of elephantine, doe-eyed marine creatures. I forget the species’ name, but I saw the flicker of their forked


Cracks in the Sea Sky

When you’re shipwrecked and cannot die, the page of your book never turns. You live one endless day of saltwater, wind, and the veiny red behind closed eyelids. The water will not burn your tongue nor your guts, but neither

Picture of the Cement Ship in Aptos
Picture of "Do Not Feed Coyotes" sign

Coyote Spirits Got the Moonshine … Again

I stumbled out of the sleeping porch, rubbing my eyes. Granny spoke before I could even say good morning. “It’s them damned coyotes,” she said crankily. “Drinking the moonshine–the thieves!–and from the sounds of it, they got themselves some of

The Stories of Harpies and Humanity

Thirty miles outside of Crescent City, we ran out of gas. The van had been sputtering for the past 400 miles, and I recognized imminent engine failure. We stepped out, stretched, and wandered the edge of the forest for a

Cover of Empire of the Sun's first album
Picture of bench overlooking ocean sunset

Junkett Hauser

The old man kept a jeweled caterpillar in his shirt pocket and only took it out for frail girls with haunted eyes and thrift-store sweaters. My mother saw it when she waitressed at the little Hungarian restaurant on 44th street

Loyal Friends and Light Portals

At midday, Becky races through the tree-lined streets, pack swinging and bubblegum snapping.  She’s vowed to arrive on time to chem class. Her skirt swishes at her knees and she smiles at the street bums, singing with the airy pop

Girl not looking at hideous beast, which is actually a plushie
1897 painting of a female vampire hovering over a man's bed. It's not looking good for the guy.

The Tulpa

I spent 1917 in a series of anonymous seaside cottages, bunking with proper socialites so that I might press their gowns and wash their teacups.  The daughters of London lords taught me to summon Baphomet, and I taught them to …

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